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Charitable status and Governance

Charitable Status


Between August 2002 and January 2003, the legal process of setting up and gaining charitable status for ‘Chrestos Mission’ according to UK Government regulations was achieved.  Chrestos Mission is Registered Charity No: 1095325, Company No: 4500963.  The Charities Commission UK requires us to submit an annual report, including annual financial statements.  A Board of Trustees was established, and an ‘Independent Examiner’ was appointed to audit the annual financial accounts of the Mission.   For more information:



Chrestos Mission Foundation was registered in the UK on 9 January 2003 and with the Government of Thailand on 3 May 2004.  Registration included the appointment of a Thai auditing firm in Chiang Mai to carry out the annual financial audit.  When the ‘Home of Peace and Joy’ was founded as a boys’ hostel in April 2008, this included being inspected annually by Thai Government officials for welfare and safeguarding issues.


In both Thailand and the UK, Chrestos has worked to maintain the highest standards, in finance, safeguarding and data protection (GDPR), according to 2 Corinthians 8.21: ‘We aim at what is honourable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man’. (ESV)



Governance and Executive


Boards of Trustees govern the work of Chrestos in Thailand and the UK

(Click here for details and bios of those listed below)


The current Board of Chrestos Mission Foundation Thailand is headed by chairman Rev Sonny Dangpongpee.  Rev Sonny is the former General Secretary (CEO) of the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention (TKBC), the largest-membership Christian denomination in Thailand.  His successor as General Secretary, Ajan Timothy Dee, is also on the Board, along with four other senior church leaders.  Minutes of the Thai Board, from their meetings three times each year, are submitted to the Thai Government in the required formats. 


The Executive, Ajan Wittaya, Director, and Ajan Bu Ka, Head of the Bible School, report to the Thai Board at their meetings.  Board members also visit the Mae Sariang campus to encourage staff and students, and monitor their achievements.


Chrestos Mission UK is made up of a Board of Trustees.  Since 2008 the Board has been chaired by Anthony Harrop.  Treasurer John Silverstone and Company Secretary Rev Peter Maycock monitor the Mission’s activities in the areas of Finance and GDPR.  The Board is strengthened by the insights of former long-time missionary to the Karen Jacqui Wells, Rev Frank Goveia, former pastor of Pat Atkinson’s sending church, and three other members.  Independent Examiner Andrew Geary of Geary Partnership Chartered Accounts audits the Chrestos Accounts annually and submits these to the UK Charity Commission and Companies House.  Andrew has met with the Thai auditors in Chiang Mai, and receives full details and invoices of the income and expenditure of Chrestos Mission Foundation.


Different Board members visit the Chrestos Mission campus in Mae Sariang regularly, sometimes more than once annually.  They discuss needs and opportunities with the Director, staff and Thai Board as well as contributing to the teaching curriculum.  There is no paid Mission executive in the UK – all Board members serve without remuneration, gladly giving their time and energy to the work of the Mission so that all funds donated - £150,000 / $200,000 annually - may go directly to the work in Thailand.

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